
Background of independence [Edit | edit source]
In accordance with the Vienna agreement in 1942, the Allies agreed to restore the territories now occupied by the Japanese on the owner of each colony if Japan had expelled from the area of ​​occupation.
Towards the end of the war, in 1945, some parts of Indonesia has been dominated by the allies. Australian army unit had landed troops in Makassar and Banjarmasin, Balikpapan while occupied by Australia before Japan declared surrender. While Morotai Island and West Irian jointly controlled by an army unit of Australia and the United States under the leadership of General Douglas MacArthur, Commander in Southwest Asia Region (South West Pacific Area Command / SWPAC).
After the war, Australian soldiers responsible for Kalimantan and eastern Indonesia, the Philippines and the United States dominate the British army in the form of command SEAC (South East Asia Command) responsible for India, Burma, Ceylon, Malaya, Sumatra, Java and Indochina. SEAC with the commander of Lord Mountbatten as the Supreme Allied Command in Southeast Asia duty reinforcements disarm Japanese soldiers and take care of the return of prisoners of war and civilian prisoners allies (Recovered Allied Prisoners of War and Internees / RAPWI).
Landing of the Dutch represented NICA [Edit | edit source]
Based Civil Affairs Agreement, on August 23, 1945 Britain with Dutch soldiers landed in Sabang, Aceh. 15 September 1945, the British army as a representative of the Allies arrived in Jakarta, accompanied by Dr. Charles van der Plas, the Dutch representative to the Allies. The presence of Allied troops, diboncengi NICA (Netherlands Indies Civil Administration - the civilian government Indies), led by Dr. J Hubertus van Mook, he was prepared to open negotiations on the basis of the radio broadcast a speech by Queen Wilhelmina in 1942 (statkundige concepti or conception of state), but he announced that he would not talk with Sukarno, who they consider to have cooperated with the Japanese. Wilhemina Queen's speech made it clear that in the future will be formed a commonwealth among its members is the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Dutch East Indies, under the leadership of the Queen of the Netherlands.
The battle against the Allies and NICA [Edit | edit source]
There are various battles that occur at the time of entry of the Allies and NICA to Indonesia, which until then had declared its independence. The battle that took place in them are:
Events Nov. 10, in Surabaya and surrounding areas.
Ambarawa, in the area ambarawa and surrounding areas.
Guerrilla struggle of General Sudirman, including Central Java and East Java
Bandung Lautan Api, in Bandung and surrounding areas.
Battle of Medan Area, in Medan and surrounding areas.
Battle Margarana, in Bali
General Offensive March 1, 1949, in Yogyakarta
Battle of Five Days Five Nights, in Palembang
Battle of Five Days, in Semarang
The capital moved to Yogyakarta [Edit | edit source]
Due to the security situation the capital, Jakarta (Batavia at the time) that gets worse, then on January 4, 1946, Sukarno and Hatta by train, moved to Yogyakarta at the same time also moved the capital. Sutan Sjahrir and the group left the pro-negotiations with the Dutch in Jakarta. [1]
Transfer to Yogyakarta done by train, which is called by the acronym KLB (CART Extraordinary). People then assume that the series of trains used is composed of a series of carriages outstanding. Whereas exceptional is the schedule for the trip, which was organized outside the existing schedule, because the train with incredible journey of this, transporting the President and Vice President, with family and staff, carriage-carriage chosen special, which is provided by the Department of Railways (DKA ) for VVIP. [2]
1946 [edit | edit source]
Changes in the system of government [Edit | edit source]
Van Mook's statement did not negotiate with Sukarno is one of the factors that trigger the change of government from presidential system into a parliamentary. Indications that this has been read by the Republic of Indonesia, because it was the day before the arrival of the Allies, November 14, 1945, Sukarno as head of a republican government replaced by Sutan Sjahrir is a socialist regarded as exact figures to serve as the spearhead of a diplomatic, coinciding with the rise leaves socialist party in the Netherlands.
The occurrence of major changes in the governance system of the Republic of Indonesia (on Presidential system into a parliamentary system) allows negotiations between the Republic of Indonesia and the Netherlands. In the view of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, Sutan Sjahrir rated as a moderate, an intellectual and a man who has been fighting for the Japanese government.
Diplomacy Syahrir [Edit | edit source]
When Syahrir announced his cabinet, November 15, 1945, Lieutenant Governor General Van Mook send a cable to the Minister for Colonies (Minister of Overseas Territories, Overzeese Gebiedsdelen), J.H.A. Logemann, which is based in The Hague: "They themselves [Sjahrir and his Cabinet] and not Soekarno responsible for the running of the state". Logemann himself spoke on BBC radio broadcast on November 28, 1945, "They are not collaborators like Sukarno, their president, we will never be able to deal with Dr Sukarno, we will negotiate with Sjahrir". 6 March 1946 to van Mook, Logemann even wrote that Sukarno was persona non grata.
Parties to the Republic of Indonesia have political reasons for changing the system of government from becoming Parliamentary Presidential, because a week before the change of government, The Hague announced the basic plan. Ir Soekarno reject it, otherwise Sjahrir announced on December 4, 1945 that his government accepted this offer on the condition that the Dutch recognition of the Republic of Indonesia.
On 10 February 1946, the Dutch government made a statement about his political itemize and offered to discuss it with representatives of the Republic of the authorized. The goal was about to establish the commonwealth Indonesia, which consists of regions with varying degrees of self-government, and to create an Indonesian citizen for all those who were born there. The problem in the country will be faced with a democratically elected parliament and the people of Indonesia will constitute the majority. The Ministry will be adjusted by the parliament but it will be headed by the deputy royal. Regions varying in Indonesia are linked together in an arrangement of the federation and the commonwealth will be peer (partner) in the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Indonesia will support the application for membership in the UN organization.
In April and May 1946, Sjahrir heads the small Indonesian delegation who went to negotiate with the Dutch government in the Hoge Veluwe. Again, he explained that the starting point of negotiations must be the recognition of the Republic as a sovereign state. On the basis of the new Indonesia would closely connected with the Kingdom of the Netherlands and will cooperate in all fields. Because the Dutch government offered a compromise that "would recognize the Republic as one unit of federation will be established in accordance with the Declaration of February 10".
In addition offered to recognize the de facto government of the Republic on parts of Java and Madura are not yet under the protection of the Allied forces. Because Sjahrir could not accept these terms, the conference broke up, and he and his friends back home.
June 17, 1946, Sjahrir sent a secret letter to van Mook, suggested that maybe earnest negotiations can be restarted. In this particular letter that Sjahrir, there was a reception vague about van Mook ideas regarding the transitional period before full independence granted to Indonesia; there is also a deeper tone again vague about the possibility of approving the federation Indonenesia Indonesia - the former Dutch East Indies is divided into various independent states with the possibility of only the Republic as the most important part. As a possible basis for a compromise, it was discussed several times before, and all the major political figures of the Republic of knowing this.
June 17, 1946, after Sjahrir sent a secret letter to van Mook, the letter was leaked to the press by the newspaper in the Netherlands. On June 24, 1946, van Mook cabled to The Hague, "according to the sources are to be believed, counterproposals (ie letter of Sjahrir) not approved by Sukarno and when he met her, he was angry. It is not clear what direction that will taken by anger ". At the same time, the Indonesian newspapers demanding described rumors about Sjahrir willing to accept a de facto recognition of the Republic of Indonesia is limited to Java and Sumatra.
The kidnapping of Prime Minister Sjahrir [Edit | edit source]
The main article for this section are: Abduction Prime Minister Sjahrir
June 27, 1946, in a speech warning Ascension of Prophet Muhammad SAW, Vice-President Hatta explained the contents of a counter-proposal in front of the people in the main square of Yogyakarta, was attended by Sukarno and most of the political helm. In his speech, Hatta expressed support for Sjahrir, but according to an analysis, the wide publicity given to the letter Hatta, led to a coup and kidnapping of Sjahrir.
At night it happened kidnapping against Prime Minister Sjahrir, who had already branded as "traitors who sold their homeland". Sjahrir was kidnapped in Surakarta, when he stopped in the political journey through Java. Then he was taken to Paras, near the city of Solo, in the vacation home of a prince Solo and held there with the supervision of the local battalion commander.
On the evening of June 28, 1946, Ir Soekarno speech in Yogyakarta radio. He announced, "Due to the circumstances in the country that endangered state security and our independence struggle, I, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, with the approval of the Cabinet and his trial on June 28, 1946, to temporarily take over all powers of government". During a month or more, Soekarno retain broad powers held. Date July 3, 1946, Sjahrir freed from abduction; but only dated August 14, 1946, Sjahrir asked again to form a cabinet.
Back becomes PM [Edit | edit source]
Date October 2, 1946, Sjahrir again became Prime Minister, Sjahrir later commented, "I am in the third cabinet notch weakened compared with the first and second cabinet. In the third cabinet I had to compromise with the Indonesian National Party and Masjumi ... I need to insert people like Gani and Maramis through Soekarno; I had to ask his opinion with whom I formed a cabinet. "
Malino Conference - The establishment of "country" a new [Edit | edit source]
The main article for this section are: Malino Conference
June 1946 a crisis occurs in the government of the Republic of Indonesia, the state is used by the Dutch who have mastered the east of the archipelago. In June a conference of representatives of regions in Malino, Sulawesi, under Dr. Van Mook and ask organizations throughout Indonesia entered a federation with 4 parts; Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan and East Raya.
1946-1947 [edit | edit source]
Events Westerling [Edit | edit source]
The main article for this section are: Massacre Westerling
Massacre Westerling is the term for the murder of thousands of civilians in South Sulawesi conducted by Dutch forces led Depot Speciale Troepen Westerling. This incident occurred in December 1946-February 1947 during counter insurgency military operations (counter-insurgency).
Linggajati [Edit | edit source]
The main article for this section are: Bargaining Linggarjati
In August the Dutch government did another attempt to break down impediments to appoint three General Commission came to Java and helped Van Mook in new talks with representatives of the republic. Conference between the two sides were held in October and November under the leadership of a special commission that is neutral English, Lord Killearn. Located in the hills near Cirebon Linggarjati. After experiencing heavy pressure from abroad -especially English-, an agreement was reached on 15 November 1946, the principal is basically as follows:
Netherlands de facto recognition of the Republic of Indonesia with a territory covering Sumatra, Java and Madura. The Netherlands should leave the territory de facto no later than January 1, 1949.
Republic of Indonesia and the Netherlands will cooperate in forming a United States of Indonesia with the name of the Republic of Indonesia as part of which is the Republic of Indonesia.
States of Indonesia and the Netherlands will make up the United Indonesia - The Netherlands with the Dutch Queen as its head.
For this Kalimantan and East Raya will be a component. A Constituent Assembly was established, consisting of representatives elected democratically and other component parts. Indonesia States in turn become part of Netherlands-Indonesian Union together with the Netherlands, Surinam and Curasao. It will promote mutual interest in foreign affairs, defense, finance and economic issues as well as culture. Indonesia States would be to become a member of the UN. Finally, any disputes arising from this agreement will be resolved through arbitration.
Both delegations returned to Jakarta and Soekarno-Hatta returned to the interior two days later, on November 15, 1946, at home Sjahrir in Jakarta, initialling took place officially Bargaining Linggarjati. Actually Soekarno who appeared as a power that allows conclusion of the agreement, however, Sjahrir was identified with the draft, and who is responsible if something went wrong.
Events that occurred related to the outcome of negotiations Linggarjati [Edit | edit source]
Parade Army of the Republic of Indonesia (TRI) in Purwakarta, West Java, on January 17, 1947.
In February and March 1947 in Malang, SM Kartosuwiryo appointed as one of five members Masjumi the Executive committee, which consists of 47 members to attend the session KNIP (Central Indonesian National Committee), in the session discussed whether Linggarjati Agreement which has been initialed by the government of the Republic and the Netherlands in November 1946 will be approved or not the departure of SM Kartosoewirjo is escorted by Hezbollah fighters from West Java, since that meeting there may be two camps are fighting the opinion is so fierce, that between the wing socialists (represented through the party Pesindo), with the Nationalists-Islam (represented through Masjumi and PNI). Party socialist wants KNPI approved the manuscript Linggarjati such, being the Masjumi and PNI inclined to reject it when members KNIP anti Linggarjati really threatened militants Pesindo, Sutomo (Tomo) asking SM Kartosoewirjo to prevent troops from being fired on units Pesindo ,
Dr. HJ van Mook head of the Netherlands Indies Civil Administration (NICA) were then appointed as Governor General of the Dutch East Indies, with persistent break RI staying 3 this island even before the manuscript was signed on March 25, 1947, * 28 he has forced the establishment of the State of East Indonesia , the president of Sragen, via the Denpasar Conference on 18 - December 24, 1946
In March 25, 1947 the results of the agreement Linggarjati signed in Batavia Masyumi challenging the results of the agreement, many of the elements of the struggle of the Republic of Indonesia which can not accept the Dutch government is a sovereign power throughout Indonesia 29 With frequent burst of chaos, then in practice, these agreements are very difficult to be implemented.
Proclamation of the State Pasundan [Edit | edit source]
Dutch effort does not end up in the NIT. Two months after that, the Dutch managed to persuade the Chairman of the People's Party Pasundan, Soeria Kartalegawa, proclaimed the State of Pasundan on May 4, 1947. In the new country's military is very weak, it really depends on the Netherlands, TEBUKTI he had existed when the Dutch doing Aggression and RI strength to pull out of West Java.
At the beginning of the month May 1947 the Dutch side that initiated the establishment of the State of Pasundan it was already planned that they should attack the Republic directly. Dutch military circles feel confident that the cities controlled by the Republicans can be conquered within two weeks and to control the entire territory of the Republic within six months. But they realize that the costs incurred for the maintenance of an armed force of about 100,000 troops in Java, which most of the troops was not active, a serious financial waste that may not be borne by the economies of the Netherlands were destroyed due to the war. Therefore, to maintain these forces then the Netherlands requires commodities of Java (especially sugar) and Sumatra (especially oil and rubber).
Military Aggression I [Edit | edit source]
The main article for this section are: first Military Aggression
On May 27, 1947, the Dutch sent Nota Ultimatum, which must be answered within 14 days, which contains:
Forming a joint interim administration;
Spending money together and establish joint foreign institutions;
Republic of Indonesia should send rice to people in areas that were occupied by the Dutch;
Holding a joint security and order, including the Czech regions that need assistance the Netherlands (joint gendarmerie); and
Holding a joint surveillance on imports and exports
Prime Minister Sjahrir expressed a willingness to recognize the sovereignty of the Netherlands during the transitional period, but refused gendarmerie together. This answer is getting a strong reaction among the political parties in the Republic.
When a satisfactory answer is not forthcoming, the Netherlands continue to "restore order" with "police action". On July 20, 1947 at midnight (July 21, 1947 to be exact) begin the Dutch launched a 'police action' them first.
The Dutch action is already very calculated once where they had put his troops in strategic places. Troops are moving out of Jakarta and Bandung to occupy West Java (excluding Banten), and from Surabaya to Madura and the Eastern occupied. Troop movements smaller secure area of ​​Semarang. Thus, the Dutch controlled all-water port in Java In Sumatra, plantations around Medan, oil and coal installations around Palembang and Padang area secured. Seeing the Dutch action that does not adhere to the agreement made Sjahrir Linggarjati confused and desperate, then in July 1947 was forced to resign as Prime Minister, because he had previously overwhelmingly approved a Dutch demands to resolve the conflict between the government of Indonesia and the Netherlands.
The action against the Dutch, for the Republic forces could only move backwards in confusion and just destroying what they could destroy. And for the Dutch, after seeing the success in this action created a desire to continue the comeback. Some Dutch people, including van Mook, eager to seize Yogyakarta and form a government of the Republic of softer, but the Americans and British who became allies do not like 'police action' and led the Netherlands to immediately stop the conquest entirely against the Republic.
Rising Amir Syarifuddin as Prime Minister [Edit | edit source]
After the Dutch Military Aggression in July, Sjahrir replacement is Amir Syarifuddin who previously served as Minister of Defense. In his capacity as Prime Minister, he hook member PSII used to sit in the Cabinet. Including offering to B.C. Kartosoewirjo to participate sit in his cabinet as Deputy Secretary of Defense both. As described in a letter to Soekarno and Amir Syarifudin, he refused seats minister because "he has not been involved in PSII and still feel bound to Masjumi".
B.C. Kartosoewirjo rejected the bid is not solely because of their loyalty to Masjumi. The rejection was also raised by his desire to withdraw from the center of the political arena. As a result of witnessing political conditions are not favorable for Indonesia due to various agreements that held the government of Indonesia and the Netherlands. In addition Kartosoewirjo disliked political direction Amir Syarifuddin leftist. When viewed from the Amir Syarifuddin lunge during a gig in the national political arena to become Prime Minister and Minister of Defense is clearly seen that Amir Syarifuddin want to bring politics Indonesia towards the Communists.
1948 [edit | edit source]
Renville Agreement [Edit | edit source]
The main article for this section are: Renville Agreement
While the war was in progress, the UN Security Council, under pressure from Australia and India, issued an order laying down arms dated August 1, 1947, and soon after it was set up a Commission on Good Offices, which consists of representatives from Australia, Belgium and the United States, for mediate the dispute.
Date January 17, 1948 at the conference took place on US warships, Renville, it produces other approvals, which could be accepted by both parties to the dispute. There will be peace prepare for the establishment of the zone demilitarized Indonesia States will be established, but on a different line of approval Linggarjati, because a plebiscite be held to determine whether the various groups in the larger islands want to join the Republic or some parts of the federation planned Sovereignty Dutch Indonesia remains on until turned over to the United States of Indonesia.
On January 19, Territory of the Republic signed the Renville Agreement in the interim period until a final resolution is achieved, even more limited than Linggarjati approval: only covers a small part of Central Java (Yogyakarta and eight residency) and the western tip of Java island remain areas -Banten Czech plebiscite to be held to determine the future of the newly acquired Dutch territory through military action. Dutch prime minister to explain why the agreement was signed that the Dutch did not "give rise to hatred of America".
In a way, this is a repetition of what happened during and after the negotiations Linggarjati. Such as through the approval Linggarjati, through negotiations Renville, Soekarno and Hatta emblem of Indonesian independence and unity of Yogyakarta live longer, the heart continues to beat Republic. This is again the core advantages like after approval Linggarjati, other private away from the center back -dulu identified with the approval of Prime Minister Sjahrir, now Prime Minister Amir- considered directly responsible if something wrong or perceived wrong.
Cabinet collapse and rising Amir Mohammad Hatta as Prime Minister [Edit | edit source]
From their first Military Aggression with the results of the holding of the Renville Agreement led to the fall of the Cabinet Amir. All the members who joined the cabinet composed of members of PNI and Masjumi resign when the Renville Agreement was signed, followed Amir himself resigned as Prime Minister on January 23, 1948. With his resignation he might expect to be the appearance of a new cabinet-wing communist replace him. Hope it becomes dispersed when Sukarno turned in the other direction by appointing Hatta to lead a 'Presidential Cabinet' Emergency (1948-1949), which all reported to the responsibility as President Sukarno.
Hatta with the election, he appointed the members who sit in his cabinet took from the middle class, especially those PNI, Masjumi, and the figures are not partisan. Amir and his group of left-wing opposition has become. By taking the attitude of the opposition as the followers of Sjahrir reinforce their split with Amir's followers to form their own party, namely the Indonesian Socialist Party (PSI), in February 1948, and as well as providing support to the government Hatta.
Indeed, the collapse of Amir came even faster than Sjahrir, six months earlier were immediately accused Amir-back in particular by Masjumi and then the National Party of Indonesia-too many to meet the desires of foreign parties. Only four days after the Renville Agreement was signed, on January 23, 1948, Amir Syarifudin and his whole cabinet quit. The new Cabinet was formed and its composition was announced on January 29, 1948. Hatta became Prime Minister at the same time remain in office as Vice President.
It seems now more a little way out for Amir compared with Sjahrir after negotiations Linggarjati; and more insults. A few days after Amir stop, at the beginning of February 1948, Hatta bring Amir and several other Republican officials around the province. Amir is expected to explain the Renville Agreement. At a meeting of giants in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, in the hometown of Hatta -and apparently set up as a most important stop for travel-Hatta talking about the persistence of the Republic, and his speech was greeted with a warm yet.
Then Amir up to the dais, and as described Hatta later: "He seemed confused, as if barely know what ayang to say. He felt that the people of London do not enjoy it, especially in a relationship agreement with the Netherlands. When he left the pulpit, hardly No applause "
According to another participant: "Amir's face looks like he has no meaning". Sjahrir was also invited to the meeting this Bukittinggi; he came from Singapore and made a speech. According to Leon Salim old -kader Sjahrir- "Sjahrir also looked tired and rarely smiles". In the words of another witness, "As if there were frozen in the face of Sjahrir" and when his turn to speak "He just raised his hand to salute the Freedom and retreat". Hatta then also writes briefly about Sjahrir's speech: "His speech is short". Humiliated like this, psychologically most likely be embers that ignited revenge Amir to rebel later.
Renville Agreement no better than negotiations on Linggarjati. Both sides accuse each breached the peace, and Indonesia has accused the Netherlands established a blockade with the intention of forcing him to give up. In July 1948, the Commission Services Good, who was still in place overseeing the implementation of the agreement, reported that Indonesia would complain ceasefire repeatedly.
1948-1949 [edit | edit source]
Military Aggression II [Edit | edit source]
The main article for this section are: Military Aggression II
Military Aggression II occurred on December 19, 1948 beginning with the attack on Yogyakarta, the capital of Indonesia at the time, as well as the arrest of Sukarno, Mohammad Hatta, Sjahrir and some other figures. The fall of the nation's capital led to the formation of Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia in Sumatra led by Sjafruddin Prawiranegara.
General Offensive March 1, 1949 on Yogyakarta [Edit | edit source]
The main article for this section are: 1 March General Offensive
The attack, which took place on March 1, 1949 against the city of Yogyakarta in massive planned and prepared by the highest ranks of the military in the Division III / GM III -with the helm include several civilian government setempat- based on instructions from the Commander in Chief Sudirman, to prove to the world that the military of the Republic of Indonesia--berarti also still exists and is strong enough, and thus be able to strengthen Indonesia's position in the negotiations that are taking place in the UN Security Council with the main aim to break the morale of the troops Dutch and prove to the world that the Indonesian National Army (TNI) still has the power to fight. Suharto at that time as the brigade commander X / Wehrkreis III participated as field operators in the Yogyakarta area.
Roem Royen [Edit | edit source]
The main article for this section are: Roem Royen
As a result of the military aggression, international parties to exert pressure to the Netherlands, in particular the United States, which threatened to halt aid to the Netherlands, finally forced the Netherlands is willing to re-negotiate with RI. On May 7, 1949, the Republic of Indonesia and the Netherlands agreed Roem Royen.
General Offensive Surakarta [Edit | edit source]
The main article for this section are: General Offensive Surakarta
General Surakarta attack took place on 7-10 August 1949 by guerrilla fighters, students, and students. Students and students who are struggling is then known as a student soldier. They demolished and occupied the headquarters of the Dutch-maskas in Solo and its surroundings. The attack was aware of the Dutch when they could not possibly win militarily, considering Solo is a city whose defenses were strongest at that time was overrun by the military that the equipment is left behind but supported by the people and is led by a leader who reliably as Slamet Riyadi.
Roundtable [Edit | edit source]
The main article for this section are: Roundtable
Round Table Conference is a meeting between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Netherlands held in The Hague, Netherlands from August 23 to November 2, 1949. That resulted in a deal:
The Netherlands recognizes Indonesian sovereignty States.
West Irian will be completed a year after the recognition of sovereignty.
Transfer of sovereignty by the Netherlands [Edit | edit source]
Bung Hatta in Amsterdam, The Netherlands signed an agreement handover of sovereignty.
The main article for this section are: Recognition of the independence of Indonesia by the Dutch
The Netherlands recognized Indonesian independence on December 27, 1949, the lapse of four years after the proclamation of independence on 17 August 1945. This recognition is performed when soevereiniteitsoverdracht (sovereignty) was signed in the Palace Dam, Amsterdam.

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